Hi, this is lepie!

Besides choosing our ingredients from local farmers we decided that it was important to offer a wide range of flavours both local and foreign.
Today we are proud to present 6 different recipes that vary from local dishes, such as re-invented Papet Vaudois, to the exotic flavours of India in our Chicken Tikka Masala pie.
We have from day one wanted to make sure that everyone could enjoy our pies, which is why we are working on four fronts.
Click on the icons below and get the necessary information as to how LePie can be served!

About us
Created in 2014, House of Foods Sarl and its dedicated team has been producing and selling delicious pies under the brand name LePie, up and down the coast line of lake Geneva.
Freshness is happiness, which is why we stand firmly on finding the best produce that are local and produced by people who share our philosophy
Our Philosophy
Ideas are worthless if the execution is not done properly and in the execution lies the importance of teamwork!
Every day team LePie sets out to produce, deliver and serve the best possible pies, whether to our wholesalers or directly to our clients. We are not perfect, but we do believe strongly in the company’s motto!
in everything we do
in the way we do it
towards whom we do it for
GET to know our local partners
We all know that working with local producers is both environmentally and economically responsible, but it is also quite simply the right thing to do.
Switzerland has wonderful produce and it’s up to companies like ours to constantly seek out ways to make use of them while still being affordable for you the customer.
Please find below more information about our wonderful suppliers

We know that the best way to improve is to listen, so don’t be shy and let us have your thoughts and ideas on how you think we can improve. You can of course also just send us a nice message, we like those too.